Royal Rubber Lining - Industrial Application

Rubber lining is an application where a rubber sheet are used for protection against corrosion where the steel substrate is exposed to any acids, chemical or any corrosive environment. The elasticity of Rubber is an advantage for combating abrasion and impacts and it can readily accommodate expansion and contraction due to fluctuation in temperature. There are several rubber lining applications some of which include resistance to acid, chemicals and alkalis, abrasion resistance, etc and variety of grades of Rubber both in Natural and Synthetic category are available to suit specific medium of application, pH value, temperature, abrasive nature e.g. Butyl, Chlorobutyl, E.P.D.M., Polychloroprene, N.B.R., etc.

Price as per Requirement

Vendor Details

Royal Fibro Rubber Products

Varghese Mani

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Annual Turnover : Rs. 3 Crore

Area of Expertise : Rubber Lining and Rubber Coating

Product Specifications


As per requirement